
OA building management - Sterilamo

Ovidiu Ardeleanu Stephanienstrasse 51B, 76133 Karlsruhe 76133 Karlsruhe (Baden) Germany

Telephone: +494901797282045


Sales tax identification number(s): DE335193231,

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here We are willing to participate in an out-of-court arbitration procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Responsible is the federal universal arbitration board at the Center for Arbitration eV, Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, Imprint creates legal texts with Trusted Shops

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:

EORI number: DE351279961769399 for International Sales

Contact form

Additional text for contact form.


Our Customers- Our Value!

Customers are the cornerstone of any business and are highly valuable to its success. Without customers, there would be no demand for products or services, and the business would cease to exist. Customers provide revenue and growth opportunities, and their satisfaction is crucial for long-term profitability.

Please fill the contact Form and tell us about your Problem and You'll receive in max 24 Hours a Resolution from us.
Ovidiu Ardeleanu